- Dear Martin, Nic Stone | Stories change people. Essential book for me to understand myself and others.
- Dare to Lead, Brene Brown | Vulnerability is strength
- The Foundation Series, Isaac Asimov | Fun & expansive sci-fi
- The Nature of Code, Daniel Shiffman | How to build virtual worlds
- Coders, Clive Thompson | Why developers have the most power
- Range, David Epstein | Reframed my explorations as preparation for what’s next, not failure
- Switch, Chip Heath & Dan Heath | An operations guide for change
- Dear Data, Giorgia Lupi & Stephanie Posavec | Love letters to data visualization
- Free To learn, Peter Gray | Humans learn through play
- The Prodigal God, Tim Keller | Seeing God’s extravagant love
- How to Grade for Learning, Ken O’Connor | How I unlocked meaningful student feedback
- Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury | Great sci-fi is prophetic
- Mindstorms, Dr. Seymour Papert | How I fell for constructionism
- Freakanomics, Steven D. Levitt & Steven J. Dubner | Seeing math in the ordinary
- A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age, Jimmy Soni | Amazing stories of head + hands working to innovate
- What School Could Be, Ted Dintersmith | School systems limit innovation, but teachers persist
- Innovate Inside the Box, George Couros & Katie Novak | Embracing school system constraints & doing better for kids
- Transforming School Culture, Anthony Muhammad | How to know, value, and support all educators as education changes
- Quiet, Susan Cain | How I learned to know & value introverts
- A Whole New Mind, Daniel H. Pink | The second best argument for the polymath I’ve read; Range wins
- The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis | How our desires become our destiny
- Dare To Lead, Brene Brown | A masterclass on how to love and serve well through vulnerability
- The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg | Physiology and psychology of habit & how to game them
- Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning | Buried treasure, unearthed: God loves us, a lot.
- Start with Why, Simon Sinek | Purpose empowers and unites people; not processes or products.
Articles & Blogs
- Pedagogy of Poverty, Martin Haberman | Why poor teaching flourishes in high-poverty schools
- Climbing Around on the Tree of Mathematics, Dan Kennedy | Let math learners use graphing technology
- Gears of my Childhood, Seymour Papert | An argument for objects to think with
- Hard Fun, Seymour Papert | “I have no doubt that this kid called the work fun because it was hard rather than in spite of being hard”
- Computational Thinking: I do not think it means what you think it means, Lorena Barba | Reclaiming Papert’s “Computational Thinking”
- Piaget’s Constructivism, Papert’s Constructionism: What’s the difference?, Edith Ackerman | History and context of interrelated theories
- What’s the big idea? Toward a pedagogy of idea power, Seymour Papert | Ideas have been systematically disempowered from public school curricula
- Unsolicited advice on learning, teaching, and leadership, Gary Stager | Start trusting kids and teachers
- Teachers’ Role in Students’ Learning at a project-based STEM High School: Implications for Teacher Education, Judith A. Morrison | Challenges and supports together in a caring environment enable all students to thrive
- Most Likely To Succeed, Ted Dintersmith | How one school system is doing better for all kids
- How to get started doing things, Rodney Norman | Just get started
- The Gap, Ira Glass | Don’t let your taste discourage you; be willing to be terrible at what you love for a while
- “How your brain responds to stories”, Karen Eber | Data doesn’t change behaviour, stories do.
- “The Myth of Average”, Todd Rose | The average hurts everyone
- “Play, passion, purpose”, Tony Wagner | School systems must change
- “Why specializing early doesn’t always mean career success”, David Epstein | Generalists win
- “Being a fantastic educator”, Jordan D’Olier | Don’t give ‘em the juice
- “Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong”, Johann Hari | Humans need one another
- “Ron Berger on PBL & Quality Work”, PBLWorks | Everyone can do high quality work